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A place for textile and fiber artists to be inspired, learn from the best, promote their work & communicate with like-minded creatives.

Most recent Textile and fiber art features

Simone de Groot: Creating consolation

Simone de Groot: Creating consolation

Simone de Groot lives and works in Haarlem, Netherlands. She creates comforting installations and sculptures using soft fabrics such as fleece,…

Linda Miller: Captured in stitch

Linda Miller: Captured in stitch

Artist Linda Miller creates happy and humorous machine embroideries using an industrial Bernina 950 sewing machine. She works from the…

Faig Ahmed: Remixing traditions

Faig Ahmed: Remixing traditions

Azerbaijani artist Faig Ahmed lives and works in his hometown of Baku. Since graduating from the Sculpture faculty at the…

Stef Kreymborg: To play and discover

Stef Kreymborg: To play and discover

Dutch artist Stef Kreymborg’s work explores the relationship between order and chaos through the patterns in nature. She uses a combination…

Jette Clover: Words and walls

Jette Clover: Words and walls

Danish artist Jette Clover has led a diverse professional life which culminated in her becoming a full-time artist in 1998….

Top 10 quilting books

Top 10 quilting books

How do you find the right quilting book for your level and experience? We’ve divided our top ten into two…

How to photograph textile art

How to photograph textile art

For many artists without a sound knowledge of techniques or access to professional equipment, finding a proper way to take photographs…



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What the artists say

"Textileartist.org is an invaluable resource. I am constantly sending students there and sharing it with other practitioners".

Nigel Cheney
Lecturer in Embroidered Textiles at NCAD

"The beauty of TextileArtist.org is that whenever you visit you'll discover something that you didn't already know".

Rachel Parker
Textile Study Group Graduate of the year 2012

"TextileArtist.org gives contemporary textile practice a voice; leading artists, useful guides and a forum for textiles".

Cas Holmes
Textile Artist and teacher

"This website is exactly what we need in the textiles world. A fantastic inspirational resource".

Carol Naylor
Textile and Embroidery Artist